Friday 11 May 2012


If you like conference, I am sure you would like TED. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. Sometimes I spend hours watching its talks as it offers various interesting themes. Best part is it is politic free.
You should not miss TED Prize. Every year it award an exceptional individual with "one wish to change the world". I find Jamie Oliver's talk on "Food Revolution" very interesting.

Jamie Oliver’s Wish

“I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.”

“Every child should be taught to cook in school, not just talk about nutrition all day. Good food can be made in 15 minutes. This could be the first generation where the kids teach the parents.” – Jamie Olive

From TED, it spins off to a remarkable TV series and a dedicated website.

I'll give this guy a standing ovation. Enjoy surfing.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Wesak Day

Happy Wesak day to all buddhist.
In my opinion, the most influential person ever walk on earth was Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha.
I would like to share a video which I think best describe his life and what he advocates. Hope we can all learn something from him.

Next video is a mantra, which never fails to leaves a soothing effect on me.
Hope you like it too.